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Artemis Fowl and the Eternity Code didn’t lose any steam that was carried over from book two. I highly recommend this third book in the sequence for anyone who wants an easy read that you don’t want to put down.
Reading Level
5-9th grade
Review for Parents
This book is clean except for some made-up swearwords that the fairies occasionally use. This book has nothing that parents should worry about.
Plotline: Spoiler-Free
Artemis is at it again. In this book, he is looking to leverage technology he invented from some fairy helmets that he ended up with in the first book. He organized a meeting with American businessman John Spiro. During the business meeting, Artemis accidentally sends a signal to the underground fairy city called Haven. This signal sends the fairies into a frenzy, and they shut down the whole city and send Holly out to investigate the mysterious signal.
This business meeting takes a bad turn for Artemis and Butler must jump in to save his life. This costs more than either of them could imagine and Holly shows up just in time to help the situation. With John Spiro in control of fairy technology, Holly has no choice but to help Artemis get the technology back.
Commander Root allows her to help on one condition, Artemis and his staff must submit to mindwipes after the completion of the mission. Without the help of the fairies, there is no hope of success, but he also can’t let Spiro win. After agreeing to the conditions Artemis gets to work on a plan to get the technology back.
In the plan-making stage, none other than Mulch Diggums shows up in his house. Mulch, on the run from the LEP, ended up In Chicago doing work on commission for the Chicago mob. John Spiro contracted the mob to retrieve Artemis when he finds that Artemis’ technology is encrypted with an eternity code of Artemis’ own making.
Mulch brings Artemis to John Spiro and helps him retrieve his technology. But Mulch is not the only member of the team assembled to retrieve the technology. Holly, Foaly, and Butler’s sister Juliet are also along for the ride and they each have a part to play.
My Thoughts on Artemis Fowl and the Eternity Code
This book, like the previous two, is extremely well written. The storyline flows nicely and there is a lot of character development particularly around Artemis but also with Juliet.
Juliet Butler is on her route to becoming a bodyguard just like her older brother. Having enrolled in Madam Ko’s academy for bodyguards, she is almost ready for graduation. Her only problem in my opinion is that she keeps comparing herself to her brother throughout the entire book. Even though Butler is widely known as the best bodyguard around, Juliet should compare herself to who she was yesterday and not who her brother is today. Juliet spends a lot of time in this book finding out who she really is and what she really wants.
Artemis has grown up in the last two books and in this one, he’s ready to give up on his devious schemes. The problem is he wants one last adventure, and he thinks that this meeting with John Spiro is the right adventure. After his technology is stolen and Butler is incapacitated, Artemis resolves to do the right thing and give up crime for good. Can Artemis beat the mind wipe and outsmart the LEP yet again? If he doesn’t beat the mind wipe will his resolve to give up crime make it through the mind wipe, or will Artemis go back to his old criminal ways?
The final character I want to touch on for this take on the eternity code is Holly Short. Captain Short, like in the previous books, is caring and willing to do whatever she can to help her friends. She is genuinely sad that Artemis is going to be mind-wiped. She has grown to like him and, in this book, it’s finally clear that she sees him as a friend.
Even Foaly is kind of sad that Artemis and his staff will be mind-wiped and at one point is ready to accept Artemis’ argument that may revert to his evil, conniving state if his memories of “the people” are taken from him. Even though he’s not exactly happy with the mind-wipe, he’s not about to let Artemis beat it. He will do everything in his power to clean up Artemis’ trail of breadcrumbs to trigger full recall of all his fairy memories. I’m excited for the next book to see how it all turns out.